Forms by Categories
1) DocuSign is the preferred and secured method. Use your 菠菜网lol正规平台 email to send forms to Do not include SSN, DOB, or passport info.
2) Use Dropbox by the Student Services Center entrance
3) USPS Mail
**Some forms have specific filing periods, please refer to the Registration Calendar page for term specific dates.
Enrollment/ Registration
- Excess Units: Undergraduate [pdf] (Refer to the specific term calendar for the processing start date) | Graduate [pdf]
- Late Enrollment (Note: You must clear ALL registration holds in your student center before submitting this form)
- Late Add - Post Census for Spring'25 (DocuSign, Signing Routing Order [pdf], Refer to specific term calendar for filing dates)
- Late Add - Retroactive for prior semester (DocuSign, Signing Routing Order [pdf], valid after the last day of instruction of each semester)
- Late Drop/ Withdrawal request: Undergraduate | Graduate
- Leave Request
- Reinstatement (from academic disqualification): Undergraduate | Graduate
- Petition for a Repeat Exception(use if repeating a class for the 2nd or more times (i.e. attempting a class for 3rd time) and/or repeating in excess of 28 units, DocuSign)
- Retroactive Requests for 1290R (Graduate Students only)
- Special Session Forms
- Step to College/ Dual Enrollment program Registration
- Summer Session Forms
- Time Conflict Consent Request (DocuSign)
- Winter Session Forms
Family Educational Right & Privacy Act (FERPA)
Grades / Grading
- Audit Option Form (DocuSign, Deadline to file is the last day to add/ drop at 5 p.m.)
- Credit/ No Credit Option Form (Contact your major advisor to initiate this process, your advisor will submit an Advisor Request for CR/NC on your behalf through My菠菜网lol正规平台)
- Incomplete Grade Extension Request (DocuSign)
- Application: Undergraduate | Graduate
- Diploma - ordering a duplicate
- Bachelor Degrees: Online | Paper [pdf]
- Master and Doctorate Degrees: Online
- Graduation Date Change:
- Follow these graduation date change instructions.
Major / Minor / Catalog Rights Changes
- Undergraduate Students:
- Need to change Major or Minor, contact your New Major/ Minor Advisor at your College Success Center. Your advisor will need to submit an Advisor Request.
- Need to change Catalog Rights, contact an Advisor at your College Success Center. Your advisor will need to submit an Advisor Request.
- Need to drop a minor, fill out Minor Drop form [pdf].
- Graduate Students
- Submit "Change of Graduate Program petition" available on GAPE page.
Official Transcripts
Personal Information
- Submit Personal Info Changes via Online (Primary Name, Date of Birth, SSN/ ITIN) Be sure to follow all instructions carefully.
- Personal Info Change [pdf] (Address, Phone#, Preferred Email address, Gender)
Residency for Tuition Fee Purposes
Special Programs
- Certificate Program: Basic Undergraduate Certificate form [pdf] (For Department use only)
- Cross Enrollment [pdf]
- IntraSystem: Concurrent Enrollment [pdf]/ Visitor Enrollment [pdf]
- Step to College/ Dual Enrollment program Registration